Press Coverage

PBS NewsHour - Footprint Featured on Earth Day Special

Written by Footprint | Apr 22 2021

Pandemic pollution: Plastic Takeout is ruining the environment

Originally published on PBS NewsHour (April 22, 2021) Troy Swope, CEO of Footprint was interviewed by Stephanie Sy & Lorna Baldwin

Arizona-based Footprint sells biodegradable packaging to food giants such as Conagra.

Watch the Footprint Featured video here

"In some cases, places overcompensated on individual plastic packaging, believing it would prevent COVID from spreading. But many of these containers aren't recyclable. And in the U.S., we recycle less than 9 percent of the plastic we use. One company based outside Phoenix, Arizona, Footprint, is trying to disrupt the plastic packaging industry," says Stephanie Sy, PBS NewsHour correspondent.

Troy Swope, CEO of Footprint discussed his company's solutions, "We design everything to be cost-competitive with plastic. So, from day one, we wanted to have a massive impact on the planet. So, we — at day one, we said we are going to have to develop the technologies to compete with plastic, not only in performance, but in price. - We focus on being plastic free. And the importance of that is at the [product's] end of life. We wanted something that had multiple end-of-life options. So, the best way to put it is, we wanted something that nature could digest."

Read the full transcript on PBS NewsHour